Overnight RV stops in Lanaudière

March 18, 2025

With the surge in “Vanlife” enthusiasts and RV escapades, you may be looking for a place to stop for the night in complete autonomy before continuing your journey. Here's a directory of places to spend the night in Lanaudière.

If you're a fan of nomadic camping, you're sure to hit the province's roads to admire the scenery and experience out-of-the-ordinary adventures. Although campgrounds welcome you with open arms, sometimes you're looking to get off the beaten track or reduce the cost of your trip. That's when overnight parking becomes an attractive option, especially if your equipment is 100% self-sufficient.

Here's a directory of places where you can spend the night in Lanaudière.

Matawinie Regional Parks

You're allowed to park in parking lots in areas where no camping is available in the Matawinie regional parks. This applies to Parc régional des Sept-Chutes (4031, chemin Brassard Sud, Saint-Zénon) and the Massif sector of Parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau (2007, chemin du Massif, Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci). Parking fees apply when the reception pavilion is closed.

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Municipality of Saint-Côme

The Municipality of Saint-Côme has two sites where you can stop for the night. First, you can park along the row of trees behind the Town Hall (1673, 55th St.). You can also park free of charge at the tourist information office (1661-A, rue Principale).

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Municipality of Saint-Donat

An inhabited natural park, Saint-Donat is renowned for its lakes and mountains as far as the eye can see, perfect for a host of outdoor activities. Certified a Village-relais du Québec, the municipality has three parking lots available for overnight stays. In addition to Parc des Pionniers (17, chemin Hector-Bilodeau), you can spend the night at the Church parking lot (381, rue Allard) or at the Club nautique de Saint-Donat parking lot (243, rue Saint-Donat).

City of Lavaltrie

Two parking spaces are reserved for recreational vehicles in the Lavaltrie City Hall parking lot (1370, rue Notre-Dame). Vehicles 22 feet and under are welcome. Regulations can be found here.

Tourist information office

The Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon tourist office (151, rue Saint-Gabriel) authorizes overnight RV parking.

Ski Montcalm

Ski Montcalm offers RV sites from the beginning of August when the mountain biking season opens. Ideal for combining business with pleasure!


Go-Van, in association with Forêt Ô Cascades, offers a year-round nature campground dedicated to tent campers and Vanlifers. This four-season ecotourism park in the Lanaudière region is a little paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. To reserve your place, click here.


If you're an agri-tourism enthusiast, you'll be well served by this network of RV parking lots where you can spend the night directly with the producer, for example at Les Esprits Tordus , La Terre des Bisons , l'Abbaye Val Notre-Dame , l'Alchimiste Microbrasserie , Fromagerie Amafaçon , Fromagerie La Suisse Normande , Enracinés , Bleutière Point du Jour , Bleuetière Asselin , Vignoble Saint-Gabriel , Vignoble Têtes au vent , Jardins Arômes et Saveurs , Ferme Cormier , Gollé Goulu or Miel de chez nous . Overnight stays are free, but a purchase of products is strongly recommended. A subscription is required to access the platform and reserve your pitch (one night maximum). As Lanaudière is renowned for its fertile land, many of the region's producers and processors offer you the chance to sleep near their fields or even in their vineyards! Discover the network here.

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And don't hesitate to visit Arrêt Nuitée RV , a site that lets you quickly find a place to spend the night in the region.