Mélanie Emond Photographe
Mélanie Emond Photographe
Mélanie Emond Photographe
Mélanie Emond Photographe
Parc Gérard-Lavallée et Complexe Aquatique Desjardins
Car services and parking
- Free parking
- Parking for motor homes (RV)
- Lit parking area
Admitted customers
- Adults
- Teens
- Children
- Dogs (on leash)
- Groups
Restaurant services
- Picnic area
On-site facilities
- Washrooms
- Outdoor playground for children
- Heated shelter/rest area
- Service pavilion
- Checkroom
- Outdoor swimming pool
- Lockers
- Boat ramp
Recreation and cultural activities
- Concert/Show
- Fireworks
- Snow sliding
- Winter sledging
Sports activities
- Biking
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Soccer
- Swimming
Services available
- Wireless Internet